Friday, September 28, 2007

A Few Tips For Employers To Protect Employees And Business Against Mold

When we go to our daily work place, we usually like to believe it to be a very safe environment. However, one safety aspect that is often and sadly overlooked is that of mold infestation. We usually believe that mold is not a problem to have to deal with in the work place and that mold is a problem that is only dealt with in the home. However, any building is equally susceptible to mold infestation. If you are an employer, you are therefore responsible for the safety of every person who is inside the building. If you do not make sure that mold is not in the building, you could be liable for any medical expenses that one of your employees may have as a result of exposure to mold in the work place. If you suspect that there may be mold in your building, you must first conduct your own testing. If you do, indeed, find mold, it is your responsibility to send off the mold samples to a laboratory that specializes in mold identification. You should receive your results within a few weeks to a month.

The first thing you should do upon finding out that there is a mold infestation, and what kind of mold it is, is to inform your employs that there is a problem. You should inform them of what measures are to be taken. You should next call an inspector as to determine how extensive the contamination is and if the case is mild, and can be dealt with in a short amount of time, or if the case is serious and could take up to several weeks to remedy. If the case is extreme, you should notify your employees that they are being laid off for the duration of the remediation process. You should tell them when the process will begin, and give an approximation of when the process will end.

You should also ask your employees if they have been experience any kind of health problems since working for you. Specific health problems that you should look for are respiratory problems, skin rashes, and any other kinds of complications commonly associated with mold.

If your building is indeed contaminated, it should never be ignored, be it your home or work place. If you can afford to pay for the medical bills of others, you still do not want there to be health problems for yourself.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Orlando water Damage companies.

Asian Food Is Highly Popular And Is Made With Mold

You can hardly find a person who does not like Asian food and anyone who enjoys soy sauce is not alone. In roughly two thousand years soy sauce has become one of the most popular and consumed condiments in history. Soy sauce originated in Asia, because in ancient times Asians had to package meat and fish tightly in salt in order to preserve the meat and excess liquid would be drained as a result. The liquid, which has soaked in the meat and salts flavor, would be used as a seasoning for other foods, like noodles or rice. However, when Buddhism began to rise in popularity, there was a shift from eating meat to eating vegetables and, therefore, the recipe for this seasoning also had to change. The recipe went to a salty paste of fermented grains. It was this recipe that became a prototype for soy sauce.

The recipe spread to Japan where it was modified and improved and a woman opened the world’s very first commercial brewery specializing in soy sauce. It was then that soy sauce’s popularity began to skyrocket.

Soy sauce, in the modern day, is made using mashed soy beans, wheat, salt, and a fermenting agent which is the very same kind as used in the production of sake, Aspergillus oryzae. Aspergillus oryzae is a popular alternative. This mold is the most important ingredient in the making of soy sauce. It is this mold that makes it true soy sauce.

The previously mentioned Aspergillus oryzae is used in other things as well, such as Japanese rice wine. The mold is used to ferment rice that has been steam and milled down to around 50 percent of its original mass and weight in order to remove amino acids, proteins, and fats that can make the smell of the wine less than pleasant.

Sake brewers take the cultivation of this mold at the utmost seriousness, because the mold is capable of absorbing surrounding odors. The same goes for flavors. For example, if the wood of the brewing wood is cedar, a slight cedar flavor will be absorbed. The mold is helpful for precisely these reasons. Sake and wine have a tendency to age in very different manners. Sake should be drunk almost as soon as it is purchased. While sake can, at times, taste better with age, it usually just tastes less than spectacular. Try some of these foods, You might find the you like them if you have not tried them.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Houston Fire Damage Water Restoration Contractor companies and
Los Angeles Water Damage and Restoration Services.

Your Allergies May Be More Related To Mold Than You Think

With the teeming masses of people in the world that suffer from allergies, no matter the number of medications used, it is nearly impossible for them to find an escape from their allergens. The reasons for seasonal allergy symptoms are many. Most allergies are attributed to grasses, pollens, and various kinds of mold. Now, these three allergens are incapable of growing during the winter time. And while some molds can withstand colder temperatures than others, the majority of molds cannot continue to grow in these cold temperatures. Instead they manage to lie dormant for quite some time. They go into a kind of suspended animation when frozen, and if they thaw they will continue to live and they are equally as dangerous as before the time they were frozen.

However, in some areas of the world there is not a winter, and therefore, no freezing temperatures. And in these areas, people who live in apartment complexes and places of this nature are faced with considerable risk of infection, especially those who are highly allergic to these molds. The list of symptoms experience from an allergic reaction is long and varied, depending entirely on the specific allergy. The most prominent symptoms are runny noses and skin rashes. Perennial allergic rhinitis can be brought on by the presence of mold, as well. However, these allergic complications are usually only brought on by a high population of mold. The symptoms, however, can worsen if food that has been created using a type of fungus, such as mushrooms, bread, beer, and even yogurt. Blue cheese is also a chief offender.

While there are thousands of species of molds on the planet, the number of highly allergenic molds are fortunately only in the dozens. Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Alternaria are the three most well known kinds of mold to cause many allergic reactions. As a bit of trivia, Penicillum is the only genus with both a medicine as well as a disease named after it.

It is important that you stay on constant watch for grass, mold spores and pollen counts for each day on the news, if you have allergies. These daily reports are recommended, especially for the elderly or anyone who has a small child who may be allergic, and are planning an outing. This way, it will be apparent which areas to avoid. Severe allergic reactions

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.

What is Aspergillosis

Mold is a serious problem in our homes and it can affect not only the structure of the buildings we live in and our belongings, but also our health. But, while not all species of mold grow very well indoors, the genus of mold called Aspergillus has plenty of species that can grow in your home and do harm to your health and the health of your family and pets. The conditions and diseases that can be caused by molds in the Aspergillus genus are known by one collective name: aspergillosis.

The symptoms of aspergillosis can be different depending on what kind of infection that you have. When it is in its allergenic form, the symptoms tend to include some coughing up of blood, having difficulty breathing, coughing, fever, and sometimes even weight loss. This can also aggravate allergies that you or someone in your home already have and create an allergy that you did not have before the mold started to grow.

A type of aspergillosis that is called pulmonary aspergillosis is a type of infection that usually happens when people have a weakened immune system, such as those who have HIV, AIDS, or other immunodeficiency conditions. Some of the symptoms experienced by people with this are similar to those with allergic aspergillosis, but added to this is chest pain, blood in the urine, meningitis, headaches, and sinusitis.

Sometimes if you have had something such as cancer or any other condition that could create a cavity in the lungs or other organs of the body, aspergilloma can develop if you are exposed to this genus of mold for a long period of time. Aspergilloma are essentially fungus balls that grow in these cavities and are most common in those who are exposed to the mold and have had tuberculosis, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, and etcetera. Anything that can cause a cavity in the lungs or other organ could expose someone to this condition if they are near the mold for very long. Quite often there are no symptoms of aspergilloma and many times when they do finally begin to show, they can include some of the same symptoms of allergic aspergillosis.

There are a few different tests that can be done for aspergilloma and these can include a bronchoscopy, a chest x-ray, or sometimes just a simple blood test to find antibodies that fight off the infection.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of
Emergency Water Damage Restoration and
Houston Water Damage Restoration Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.

Monday, September 10, 2007

How Water Affects Documents

Water damaged documents and books can be a pain for homeowners and especially libraries to have to deal with. If you are planning on salvaging papers or books, there are a few things that you need to know, especially if some of the things you may have to restore are very old or rare.

Most people are not aware of the fact that depending on the condition, composition of the paper, and the age of it, it will absorb more or less water than you would expect. If you have a large collection of old texts and you live in an area where water damage due to floods or hurricanes, knowing about how much water your collection will absorb will help you select a drying method that is appropriate. Information you also might want to have is just how long your particular collection can stay under water before some serious deterioration of the material occurs.

Some papers may absorb up to 200 percent of their original weight. Materials that are older than around the year 1840 can absorb up to around 80 percent of their weight and these old materials are particularly sensitive to mold when they have been immersed in water.

Most of the damage that occurs to books that is caused by the swelling of the materials will happen within around the first four hours after they have been submerged. The papers of the text block and the cardboard that the book binding may contain will soak up quite a lot of water and this will eventually cause the block of text to become either partially or completely detached from the binding and this is most noted when the material starts to dry out on its own and the humidity in the area falls below around 70 percent.

Most leather and vellum books can be saved if they are dried using some very carefully controlled measures. If the leather or vellum book that you are trying to salvage is from the 15th, 16th, or 17th century, you are probably already aware of the rarity of it, so these should not be mixed together with other materials for salvation, stabilization, or drying.

The most important thing to do before you start treating your papers is to stabilize the environment they are in. Lower the humidity to around 65 percent and get rid of any standing water that still exists. If you have a large amount of books that are packed onto bookshelves very tightly, they should not be removed and fanned out because this will help stop mold from growing on them, at least on the insides

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information. and

Fire-Related Water Damage

Fire-Related Water Damage

That sounds kind of strange, does it not? Water is usually one of the last things that you tend to think about when your house is on fire, except for wanting lots of it to put the fire out with. When the fire trucks come and start the business of putting the fire out with gallons and gallons of water, we are typically overjoyed, except for those of us who know that the water they pour onto and into our home can be almost as damaging as the fire itself. Ceilings and walls become soaked in water, not to mention the rest of the home’s appliances, furniture, and fixtures. The insulation in the attic is not safe, either, because once it gets wet, it becomes completely useless in protecting your home from the heat and cold during the summer and winter seasons. It weighs down on your ceiling’s drywall and can eventually cause it to collapse if not replaced soon.

There are plenty of things that you can do when you have a fire in your home and you return to it to find not a dried out shell of a building, but a soaking wet interior.

Wait to turn on any household appliances or any lights while you are in standing water. This includes carpets that are soaked with water and make splashing sounds when you walk across them. It is also very important that you do not do this while standing on concrete floors. The possibility of electrocution is high.

If you start to enter a room, look up at the ceiling. If the ceiling is sagging down, then it is probably due to water that has been retained in the attic or because of insulation that has gotten soaked and is weighing down on the drywall. Do not enter this room. Instead, check out the damage to the attic, if possible.

Whatever clothing that you have in your home should be removed and hung outside to dry, if possible. Leaving wet clothing in your home to dry will ruin them because of the fact that mold will set in within about 24 to 48 hours after water exposure.

Whatever you do, do not attempt to vacuum floors that are wet. Using a wet vacuum cleaner to do this is the only option, but only do this after the electrical circuits in the house have been checked and found to be undamaged.

Remove any books and magazines that have colored covers from the floors. The dyes from these will run and stain your floors and carpet. These should be removed as soon as possible

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and other states such as
New Jersey mold remediation contractor companies across the united states.

Cleaning Up Sewage From Your Home

Cleaning Up Sewage From Your Home

Sewage damage to your home during a flood is a serious risk and if it is not taken care of properly, you may become very sick if you live in the home before it is properly cleaned up. Sewage will ALWAYS contain bacteria that cause all kinds of diseases, viruses, and other microorganisms that will cause you to become sick. As soon as the sewage and flood water has receded away from the home, you can begin cleaning it up. You must not allow the sewage to remain in your home any longer than necessary or it will possibly cause irreparable damage.

Proper protection equipment is essential when you are dealing with sewage damaged items. Always wear latex rubber gloves while you are working or do not help with the clean up process. A trick to help keep the gloves from sticking to your hands is to pour a small amount of baby powder inside them before you put them on. Rubber boots that are leak proof should also be worn to keep your feet dry and safe from the infected waters that may still be in your home.

Items that you will need for the cleaning process will be mops, brooms, sponges, buckets, a water hose, disinfectant products, and trash bags.

There are a few different items that you will throw away about 99 percent of the time once they have become contaminated with sewer water. These include large areas of carpet and carpet padding, food, books and other papers, foam rubber, and insulation. Porous toys must be thrown away, such as stuffed animals. Couches and chairs, mattresses, pillows, medicines, medical supplies, and cosmetics must also be thrown away. If it is porous, it must be thrown away.

Cleaning up the sewage is the next step. Using two buckets, one for cleaner-treated water and the other for rinsing water, you should do this one room at a time. Wash the surface you wish to start with and once you have gone over it one time, rinse your rag or mop in the rinse water. Do not re-insert it back into your cleaning water until you have rinsed it. Replace the rinsing water often.

After you clean an entire room, you should go over it again with a disinfectant. You may also have to deal with mold. Porous items with mold on them should be thrown away.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

What Molded Foods to Discard

Knowing what kind of food in your refrigerator that has become moldy that you should throw away can sometimes be a difficult task, especially if you do not understand what kinds of foods are affected by mold the most severely. If people would keep their refrigerators cleaned out more often, there might be less instances of mold growth in them, but mold growing in the refrigerator on some food every once in a while is fairly unavoidable. Sometimes we leave things in the fridge for too long because we forget they are there or possibly we just put off eating that particular item until it becomes moldy and it is too late to save. So, what kinds of foods can be saved if they become contaminated by mold?

Fruits and vegetables can become moldy if you leave them in the refrigerator long enough and especially if there is a bad one among them that does not get thrown out. Leaving a bad fruit or vegetable near healthy ones will inevitably cause the others to go bad in a relatively short period of time. Most molded fruits and vegetables cannot be saved because these items are porous and generally have a high content of moisture.

Other foods that contain a high moisture content such as jams, jellies, and etcetera should also be thrown out if you find mold growing on them or even just on the inner surface on the lid of the jar. The mold will contaminate the entire jar, because they are not dense foods.

Foods like cakes, cookies, breads, and other baked goods should also be thrown away because of their porous, non-dense nature. We all know that breads can become moldy and most of us throw them away and this logic is usually applied to everything else baked in the oven.

Foods like blocks of cheese and hard salami, however, can usually be saved even if they become contaminated with mold. Simply take a knife and cut around the molded area by about one inch and cut one inch underneath. Throw the molded piece away. Unfortunately, individually sliced cheeses that become moldy cannot be treated in this manner because they are moist enough that the mold “roots” will contaminate the whole slice and even possibly the entire pack. Just throw them away.

Let’s review. Items that contain a lot of moisture such as cream cheese, sour cream, and etcetera should be thrown away. Foods that are also very porous like baked goods should also be thrown out. Dense foods like blocks of cheese and hard salami can be saved.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Basement water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
New Jersey Basement water damage restoration companies across the united states.

Stop Snow Mold From Eating Your Lawn

Most of us enjoy a nice patch of thick green grass under our feet during the spring and summer, but unfortunately for those people who live in areas that get thick blankets of snow, this might actually be something that they take for granted. Mold becomes a problem for some lawns during the winter time and can absolutely wreak havoc on them while that thick and beautiful blanket of snow graces your front yard. By the time it melts, you will be left with dead circular patches of grass all over and not a clue as to how they got there.

Mold is a problem generally when a thick and wet layer of snow falls on your front yard before the ground has had a chance to freeze and render the mold spores and fungus living there dormant. This means that when the blanket of snow is resting on your lawn and insulating it throughout the winter, mold is free to run amok and have a feast on it.

The symptoms of this lawn disease are typically circular patches of dead grass all over the lawn, but if the infection is severe, then you may not even be able to see these as circular patches due to the amount of grass that has been killed.

There are at least two different kinds of snow mold and these are pink and gray. The pink variety of snow mold seems to be the most dangerous of the two, as it is able to reach the roots of the grass and completely kill it. This is caused by the mold Microdochium nivale and can be anywhere from a light pink to a deep salmon-pink type color.

Gray snow mold is, as you would guess, anywhere from gray to white in color, but it is not caused by a specific mold. It is caused by molds in the genus Typhula. These molds do not affect more than the blades of grass and will not kill the grass down at the roots.

Snow mold occurs most often when a blanket of snow falls on a patch of ground that is not frozen and does not melt for an extended period of time. It can also occur, however, when fall leaves are let to cover a patch of grass for a long time. The best thing that you can do to prevent snow mold is to keep mowing your lawn as long as it keeps growing and do not fertilize your lawn less than six weeks before cold weather rolls in.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut flood water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
South Carolina Sewage Damage Clean-up companies across the united states.